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La vie est un long boulevard...
12 novembre 2008

Quand j'y pense, je me dis que...

...l'amour est quelque chose de bizarre. C'est un paradoxe. Un sentiment étrange qui nous prend, parfois quand on ne veut pas. Quelque chose qui arrive (ou revient!) quand s'y attends le moins. Quelque chose qui ne vient pas quand on l'y oblige. Quelque chose qui vient parfois en un éclair, et quelque chose que l'on espère, puis que l'on regrette quand c'est la fin.

Ça passe dans ma vie, ça part, ça revient, ça part, je ne sais pas du tout quand ça revient. Je regarde la route, en attendant la petite lumière, celle qui au loin se rapproche et vous transperce le cœur. Vous savez quand ça fait "BAM !!!" que vous vous dites "Woaw, quelle femme"...

Quoi qu'il en soit, en ce moment, je ne cesse de chanter "Something in the way she moves" de James Taylor.

Theres something in the way she moves,
Looks my way, or calls my name,
That seems to leave this troubled world behind.
And if I'm feeling down and blue,
Troubled by some foolish game,
She always seems to make me change my mind.

I feel fine anytime she's around me now,
She's around me now
Almost all the time.
If Im well you can tell that she's been with me now,
She's been with me now
Quite a long, long time
And I feel fine

Every now and then the things I lean on lose their meaning,
And I find myself careening,
Into places where I should not let me go.
She has the power to go where no one else can find me,
And to silently remind me
Of the happiness and good times that I know.
Well I said I just got to know that:

It isn't what she's got to say
How she thinks or where shes been.
To me, the words are nice, the way they sound.
I like to hear them best that way
Doesn't much matter what they mean,
She says them mostly just to calm me down.

I feel fine anytime shes around me now,
She's around me now,
I gess just about all the time.
If Im well you can tell that she's been with me now,
She's been with me now
Quite a long,
Yes, and I feel fine.
